Phil Fried says:
“..It’s imperative that any composer who still harbors such ideas shed them..”
This seems in line with my favorite philosopher Emily Peck. Who said:
Everyone parrots [the words] be yourself, be yourself. What is this precious self anyway?
I’m sure that know one doubts that there is plenty of success to be had avoiding innovation and history. I believe its called maintaining the status quo.
Phil Fried says:
“…have devalued, if not destroyed, the role of melody…”
As a composer of serial music for over 30 years that, at least in my and my listeners estimation, features melody this is news.
Of course one could argue that I am mistaken as to the content and the style of my own work. Sigh. Music, including serial music,is a living thing that is constantly changing.
Phil Fried says:
Trying to reconcile an individual composer’s experience with their generation, or with their generation of composers, experience is a life long search.
Every composers experience is unique.
Phil Fried says:
I do like this comment MJL. Some teachers are so indirect and some artists enjoy overcoming obstacles.
Phil Fried says:
There is financial success and artistic success as well. Both can happen at once, yet, not too frequently. Its too easy to point a laser beam at a group of artists and call successful because they are conservative. That merely perpetuates the myth. The fact is there are many other successful artists outside that laser beam who are ignored.
Phil Fried