Friday, April 29, 2011

NMB things heat up

well young pigs grunt like old ones before them --anyway the straw man argument has been pretty successful for artists these last few decades --you know those bad academic composers keep us down by forcing us to be merely rich and successful etc etc. This is ironic as 2 other generations of conservative composers built their careers on the exact same platform.  So now its their turn to get the "treatment"  from others.

 Again folks who would run screaming from the room if Schoenberg were performed take up his worst aspect--there is an active enemy that must be stopped.  On the other hand in Schoenberg's case it was true.

Matt M plays coy and then is upset that he can't set the rules of the, or our, alleged "conversation"  What MM provides is merely posturing not insight or process.

he did it...
By philmusic
"...the current status quo academic classical music ...

Well Matt I happen to know a great many composers and songwriters who have an explanation that excludes them from being part of the, or a, or somebody's "status quo."

Unfortunately it always seems that the problem is somebody else. Isn't it?

Phil Fried

Phil's status conscious page
Wednesday, April 27, 2011, 8:27:22 PM

By philmusic
"Hit me up if you have any specific thoughts on what we're actually talking about..."

Matt: If you don't understand my point thats fine, I get that a lot actually. My interest is music not in composers artist statements.

Phil Fried Phil sell out page
Thursday, April 28, 2011, 3:10:27 PM

I live here too
By philmusic
"...Then why are you chiming in on a blog/discussion that's largely about the artistic process?..."

Matt I don't believe that an artist's process and an artistic statement are the same thing. I'm interested in technique not so much in editorial. So I can't agree with your description of this thread. 

[Even if what you say is true I am merely trying to direct our conversation to an aspect of your ideas that I find more congenial, just as you are-yet it seems that a middle ground is out of the question.]  

["..., but I'm open to criticisms.."  Evidently not.]
Phil Fried Phil's highly technical page
Friday, April 29, 2011, 10:15:39 AM

I live here too
By philmusic
"...Then why are you chiming in on a blog/discussion that's largely about the artistic process?..."

Matt I don't believe that an artist's process and an artistic statement are the same thing. I'm interested in technique not so much in editorial. So I can't agree with your description of this thread.

Phil Fried Phil's highly technical page
Friday, April 29, 2011, 10:15:39 AM


Note Mclaren is jesting or is unaware that many music schools no longer support a cannon and in fact teach more classes in pop music that in classical music.
dare I say it?
By philmusic
Of course some new works take time to catch on.

Generally speaking those few who "get it" before everyone else are sometimes referred to

as the avant-garde.

Phil Fried Phil's pretty obvious page
Wednesday, April 27, 2011, 6:05:01 PM

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