Tuesday, November 1, 2011

a little late....


Phil Fried says:
I love tech talk!
This is why my performances at Roulette are so valuable– great vids by professionals.
My opera excerpts from the MN fringe came out well, but some other performances, also done by professionals, didn’t quite have the sonic quality to post (after all it is about the music).
For my children’s songs, and my high school productions, I use a kodack Zi8 mini camcorder with an attached Sony stereo mic. Cheap and quality.

 see my vids here: http://www.youtube.com/user/thisby1

 Phil Fried says:
“yet it is a rare occurrence to find a music teacher with any amount of composition experience or instruction. ..The reasons for this are many, including an already immense music education curriculum and lack of resources due to many composition instructors being required to teach theory courses, reducing their ability to create opportunities for anyone outside of their own studios…”
Wow Rob. Though I find your post well meaning the insistence of a top down over view hides many issues. Yes there are arts standards for the public schools in many if not all states, yet most states don’t require an arts specialist to teach them. So composition, or any art, can be taught by a general classroom teacher or a math, computer, or science teacher for that matter. It happens all the time. Further, they decide how and if the standards are meet. (In MN a non-arts classroom teacher is only required to take 2 arts classes to license). So your complaint about untrained music teachers is true but not the way you think. Arts teachers can be irrelevant.
I can’t speak for the private/charter schools.

Also “no child left behind” is killing arts public school programs –no principal ever lost a job cutting the arts to have more test prep time.
The problem with a top down view is that it marginalizes people like myself, who happen to have the very expertise you say rarely exists.
I too am disappointed by the many k-12 composition programs I am familiar with. (That would take too long explain here). I too have said the many of the same things as Mr. Rzewski has but I’m just a k-12 public school teacher. Right?

On the other hand when your putting out fires you don’t have time to fool with policy.
Phil Fried instrumental specialist spps
Phil Fried says:
A MN non-arts specialist classroom teacher needs only 2 music classes to license. My point is that their required musical training is cursory.

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