Friday, May 13, 2011

this weeks stuff I try to restain myself and fail

While we are on the subject of anonymity their are also those folks who even use their name but pretend to opinions that they do not subscribe to just to make the folks jumps--I call 'em as I see 'em.

I may wear a mask but also a name tag?
By philmusic
I guess I do this process in reverse as I use my real name for all my stylistic efforts. Serious, funny, and/or whatever- see here:

Phil's playa

Phil Fried

Oh Don't forget Fritz Kreisler who composed numerous works he attributed to others.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011, 1:43:27 PM

oh please....
By philmusic
""I think it's wonderful that you don't respond to popular music..."

Of course this assumes that the comments made were not just for effect.

That said I can't say that its wonderful that political skill is privileged over common sense.

Phil Fried Phil's I'd rather be wrong page

Wednesday, May 11, 2011, 9:48:33 PM

art hurts as we all do
By philmusic

In America the question of government support of the arts is a tough call these days and public support of commercial institutions like bars and clubs is perhaps even a tougher sell. Also one could be worried that any board or committee to oversee jazz would do just as much harm as good. On a hopeful note as institutions die new ones pop up.

I hate classical radio and NPR which has the highest paid executives in the non profit world. Most of the music played has nothing to do with mainstream classical music at all--light classics not much opera tons of forgettable guitar music etc.

As for ML pointing out a pattern exists doesn't explain the social mechanics of how or why it happens in each particular case. Besides social laws were meant to be broken. Anyway I think you both get it wrong as there are plenty of jazz musicians working as academicians. Of course one could argue if they are authentic.

Phil Fried Phil's this time a long post page

Tuesday, May 10, 2011, 5:01:15 AM

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